Great News : We will be on Radio AGAIN!
Read the Following!
Hey Everyone,
Sam and Cleo will broadcast live again on
This Saturday the 6th of March 2010, 8-10pm Local Greece Time on MusicVoice Web Radio...
We will have fun and talk about "Remember Me" and all the Twilight News (yep and Eclipse)
Stay Tuned...
Thanks To our @RafaelaCullen for the clip!
Originally Posted On TeamEdwardPOV Blog
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Katerina! Χρόνια Πολλά Κατερίνα...
Κατερινάκι μου Χρόνια σου Πολλάαααααααααααααααααααα!!!
Με την ίδια τρέλα που κουβαλάς να συνεχίσεις...
Να είσαι πάντα καλά! Γερή και Δυνατή,
Ερωτευμένη...Και πάντα ο εαυτός σου!!!
Υπομονή...ξέρεις τι εννοώ και σου υπόσχομαι θα πάθεις την πλακα σου!
Φιλούθια αγάπη μου!
Hey Everyone,
My Greek Twilighter and Friend has her Birthday today...
So I am making this post just for her...
My best wishes...Be Healthy and Strong...Be in love...Be You!
Also, be patient...I am currently writing and you will enjoy the ride!
I promise!
Με την ίδια τρέλα που κουβαλάς να συνεχίσεις...
Να είσαι πάντα καλά! Γερή και Δυνατή,
Ερωτευμένη...Και πάντα ο εαυτός σου!!!
Υπομονή...ξέρεις τι εννοώ και σου υπόσχομαι θα πάθεις την πλακα σου!
Φιλούθια αγάπη μου!
Hey Everyone,
My Greek Twilighter and Friend has her Birthday today...
So I am making this post just for her...
My best wishes...Be Healthy and Strong...Be in love...Be You!
Also, be patient...I am currently writing and you will enjoy the ride!
I promise!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
When Your Time Is Limited...Όταν Ο Χρόνος Σου Είναι Περιορισμένος...
Σε κάποιους μπορει να έχει λείψει η ποιητική μου διάθεση...Αλλά εγώ είμαι εδώ...
Όσον εδώ μπορείς να είσαι μετά απο δουλειά και σχολή στο φουλ...
Ειμαι καλά αλλα με περιορισμένο χρόνο...Ειλικρινά το προγραμμά μου είναι στο κόκκινο...
Δουλειά, Σχολή και φτάνω στο σπίτι αργά το βράδυ.
Δεν παραπονιέμαι όμως γιατί ειναι το τελευταίο μου εξάμηνο στην σχολή...
Είμαι στο τέλος μιας υπέροχης περιπέτειας που ξεκίνησε πριν 3 χρόνια...
Και είμαι περήφανη για όλα αυτά που κατάφερα όλα αυτά τα χρόνια...
Θα συνεχίσω να γράφω απλά όχι σε τόσο ταχύ ρυθμό όσο θα ήθελα...
Μετά την εξεταστική θεωρώ ότι θα μπορώ να το κάνω πιο γρήγορα...
Υπομονή λοιπόν...Εγώ κάπου τριγύρω θα είμαι...
Καλή Συνέχεια...
Good Evening Everyone,
I am okay but pretty busy... Work and my Uni mostly. Have I mentioned before that It is my last Semester ?
Yes I am taking my major this summer and for that I am over excited...
Unfortunately with a toll...Limited Time for the next 3 months...
I am leaving early the day and I am returning home late at night...
So although I want to write this is impossible...I will try to write but I cannot promise...
After my exam period I do hope that I will write more frequently...
Bear with me and have patience...I will be around...
Good Night...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Σε κάποιους μπορει να έχει λείψει η ποιητική μου διάθεση...Αλλά εγώ είμαι εδώ...
Όσον εδώ μπορείς να είσαι μετά απο δουλειά και σχολή στο φουλ...
Ειμαι καλά αλλα με περιορισμένο χρόνο...Ειλικρινά το προγραμμά μου είναι στο κόκκινο...
Δουλειά, Σχολή και φτάνω στο σπίτι αργά το βράδυ.
Δεν παραπονιέμαι όμως γιατί ειναι το τελευταίο μου εξάμηνο στην σχολή...
Είμαι στο τέλος μιας υπέροχης περιπέτειας που ξεκίνησε πριν 3 χρόνια...
Και είμαι περήφανη για όλα αυτά που κατάφερα όλα αυτά τα χρόνια...
Θα συνεχίσω να γράφω απλά όχι σε τόσο ταχύ ρυθμό όσο θα ήθελα...
Μετά την εξεταστική θεωρώ ότι θα μπορώ να το κάνω πιο γρήγορα...
Υπομονή λοιπόν...Εγώ κάπου τριγύρω θα είμαι...
Καλή Συνέχεια...
Good Evening Everyone,
I am okay but pretty busy... Work and my Uni mostly. Have I mentioned before that It is my last Semester ?
Yes I am taking my major this summer and for that I am over excited...
Unfortunately with a toll...Limited Time for the next 3 months...
I am leaving early the day and I am returning home late at night...
So although I want to write this is impossible...I will try to write but I cannot promise...
After my exam period I do hope that I will write more frequently...
Bear with me and have patience...I will be around...
Good Night...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Gerry Moments...#2
Heading To Bed...Need some Inspiration...
Male Inspiration...Gerry Inspiration...
Oh my my...He is dangerous! (nah...He is trying to be mucho...)
Thanks to
It is from Fraser Photoshoot...
Male Inspiration...Gerry Inspiration...
Oh my my...He is dangerous! (nah...He is trying to be mucho...)
Thanks to
It is from Fraser Photoshoot...
Monday, February 22, 2010
Time Passed By So Quickly...Ο Χρόνος Περνάει Τόσο Γρήγορα...
Αποκαμωμένη απο την μέρα που πέρασε είμαι ξαπλωμένη στο κρεββάτι μου (επιτέλους!)
Σήμερα πήραμε το νέο μας πρόγραμμα. Το τελευταίο μας πρόγραμμα...
Πότε πέρασαν τρία ολόκληρα χρόνια και έφτασα στο τέλος; Δεν το κατάλαβα...
Δουλειά σε συνδυσμό με την σχολή και ο χρόνος μοιάζει σαν μια πηγή που ρέει καθάριο νερό.
Πέρασε και πίσω δεν γυρνά...
Αρχή του 6ου εξαμήνου λοιπόν και το ταξίδι μου για το πτυχίο φτάνει στο τέλος του...
Αν είμαι χαρούμενη; Πάρα πολύ...Αν λυπάμαι που θα τελειώσει; Όχι ακόμα...
Όταν τελειώσω και το τελευταίο μάθημα που θα δίνω θα σας πω...
It is my last semester in my university. I got my new and last programme.
I wonder how time passes by so quickly...
It was 3 years ago that I started my uni but this summer it will be the last exam period (or not?) of my life.
I won't say yet my feelings which are mixed...When my exam period will be finished then I will...
Good Night...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Αποκαμωμένη απο την μέρα που πέρασε είμαι ξαπλωμένη στο κρεββάτι μου (επιτέλους!)
Σήμερα πήραμε το νέο μας πρόγραμμα. Το τελευταίο μας πρόγραμμα...
Πότε πέρασαν τρία ολόκληρα χρόνια και έφτασα στο τέλος; Δεν το κατάλαβα...
Δουλειά σε συνδυσμό με την σχολή και ο χρόνος μοιάζει σαν μια πηγή που ρέει καθάριο νερό.
Πέρασε και πίσω δεν γυρνά...
Αρχή του 6ου εξαμήνου λοιπόν και το ταξίδι μου για το πτυχίο φτάνει στο τέλος του...
Αν είμαι χαρούμενη; Πάρα πολύ...Αν λυπάμαι που θα τελειώσει; Όχι ακόμα...
Όταν τελειώσω και το τελευταίο μάθημα που θα δίνω θα σας πω...
Good Evening!
I am exhausted but at my bed (what a blessing!) I had a busy day and evening!It is my last semester in my university. I got my new and last programme.
I wonder how time passes by so quickly...
It was 3 years ago that I started my uni but this summer it will be the last exam period (or not?) of my life.
I won't say yet my feelings which are mixed...When my exam period will be finished then I will...
Good Night...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Τις τελευταίες μέρες τα πράγματα είναι λίγο περιέργα γύρω μας...
Δεν υπάρχει όρεξη, και αν υπάρχει φεύγει...
Προτιμώ να σιωπώ...
Η σιωπή όπως έχω ξαναπεί είναι καθαρτική...
Μπορείς όμως να την αντέξεις; Τώρα που φτάσαμε στο τέρμα μπορείς...
Τα δύσκολα τα περάσαμε και όπως λέει και ο λαός μας στην ουρά θα κολλήσεις;
Good Evening,
Weird days, weird stuff around us
I won't say anything more I like to hear the Silence
The one I chose The one I hold to purify me.
Is it hard? Always.
Why Is it Hard? Why Do You have to Ask these questions?
Ask yourself for the answers you seek. The best answer is the Cure for your disease.
I cannot stand the voices
They are haunting me
I thought I forgot you
But the truth is I don't
You hold my dreams
You hold my heart
But you left with them
I broke apart
Whispers Is all I hear
From the Ghosts of my Past
Whispers that are Real
And I forgot to last
The Voice I once knew
That Reminds me so much of you
Is whispering again
But I know deep inside me
That I just haven't forgotten
I don't let go
Although I know that the whispers that I hear are fιgments of my Imagination
I invented them so I can go on I have somehow to be alive
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
With me in this Journey was The Brilliant Voice Of Sade...
Sade - Soldier of Love
YouTube User : tvguide
Τις τελευταίες μέρες τα πράγματα είναι λίγο περιέργα γύρω μας...
Δεν υπάρχει όρεξη, και αν υπάρχει φεύγει...
Προτιμώ να σιωπώ...
Η σιωπή όπως έχω ξαναπεί είναι καθαρτική...
Μπορείς όμως να την αντέξεις; Τώρα που φτάσαμε στο τέρμα μπορείς...
Τα δύσκολα τα περάσαμε και όπως λέει και ο λαός μας στην ουρά θα κολλήσεις;
Good Evening,
Weird days, weird stuff around us
I won't say anything more I like to hear the Silence
The one I chose The one I hold to purify me.
Is it hard? Always.
Why Is it Hard? Why Do You have to Ask these questions?
Ask yourself for the answers you seek. The best answer is the Cure for your disease.
I cannot stand the voices
They are haunting me
I thought I forgot you
But the truth is I don't
You hold my dreams
You hold my heart
But you left with them
I broke apart
Whispers Is all I hear
From the Ghosts of my Past
Whispers that are Real
And I forgot to last
The Voice I once knew
That Reminds me so much of you
Is whispering again
But I know deep inside me
That I just haven't forgotten
I don't let go
Although I know that the whispers that I hear are fιgments of my Imagination
I invented them so I can go on I have somehow to be alive
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
With me in this Journey was The Brilliant Voice Of Sade...
Sade - Soldier of Love
YouTube User : tvguide
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
MSIN : Chapter 7 - Details
Hey Everyone,
I hope you enjoyed my New Chapter.
I have some goodies for you!
The Girls are wearing the following Dresses :
Deux Hommes are 2 Greek Male Designers and they have great outfits.
Alice's and Rose's dresses are from their Spring / Summer 2010 Collection , while Bella's is from their Spring / Summer 2006 Collection which were presented in the Greek Fashion Week.
The Song I used in this chapter is: Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
You Tube User : Moose35
I hope you enjoyed my New Chapter.
I have some goodies for you!
The Girls are wearing the following Dresses :
Bella with Deux Hommes
Alice with Deux Hommes
Rose with Deux Hommes
Deux Hommes are 2 Greek Male Designers and they have great outfits.
Alice's and Rose's dresses are from their Spring / Summer 2010 Collection , while Bella's is from their Spring / Summer 2006 Collection which were presented in the Greek Fashion Week.
The Song I used in this chapter is: Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
You Tube User : Moose35
Monday, February 15, 2010
Thoughts...Σκόρπιες Λέξεις....
Τελειώσα και αυτό το κεφάλαιο...Δεν ξέρω γιατί..αλλά νιώθω βρίσκομαι σε μεταίχμιο...
Ίσως και να βρίσκομαι...Ίσως και όχι...
Το μυαλο μου τρέχει, και νιώθω οτι χορέυω σε μια άδεια πίστα...
Ακούω ένα αργεντίνικο τανγκό και χαλαρώνω...
Αφήνω την μουσική να γίνει ο παρτενέρ μου σε αυτό τον χορό.
Καλη Συνέχεια...
Good Evening,
I just finished my new chapter. I feel a bit drained so I will relax...
No mood for other writing tonight...
If you missed my writings I am here...You can read something I wrote before...
Have a nice day/night ahead!
Τελειώσα και αυτό το κεφάλαιο...Δεν ξέρω γιατί..αλλά νιώθω βρίσκομαι σε μεταίχμιο...
Ίσως και να βρίσκομαι...Ίσως και όχι...
Το μυαλο μου τρέχει, και νιώθω οτι χορέυω σε μια άδεια πίστα...
Ακούω ένα αργεντίνικο τανγκό και χαλαρώνω...
Αφήνω την μουσική να γίνει ο παρτενέρ μου σε αυτό τον χορό.
Καλη Συνέχεια...
Good Evening,
I just finished my new chapter. I feel a bit drained so I will relax...
No mood for other writing tonight...
If you missed my writings I am here...You can read something I wrote before...
Have a nice day/night ahead!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
MSIN : Chapter 7 Teaser
Hey Everyone,
I promised you a teaser...So here it is...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
I was perplexed. I knew the answer to the question I didn't want to utter. I gasped. I sat on my bed and started to cry. Oh God, What have I done? What have I done?
Whoever wants to read My Summertime In Heaven can go HERE
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Detail Magazine : Robert Pattinson Video
Hey Everyone,
I think you all know about this magazine and the infamous Robert Pattinson's photos...
I really like them even though they have nude because they are so artistic...
Check the video!
P.S. Thinking to make my blog for Adult Users...I don't want underage people to see such content :P
I think you all know about this magazine and the infamous Robert Pattinson's photos...
I really like them even though they have nude because they are so artistic...
Check the video!
P.S. Thinking to make my blog for Adult Users...I don't want underage people to see such content :P
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
When You Have 11.270 members on your FB page & You got Suspended with no obvious reason...
Dear Friends,
Today is a very tough day for us. Last week FaceBook asked us to Authenticate Our Page and that we did.
In the morning I received a text from Liana telling me that something was wrong with our FB FanPage.
Indeed, when I got at the office I saw that FB had taken our privilege to post to our page due to violation (!) of their new Terms. Some of us received that an email stating that we are spammers(!!!) and not those we claim we are(!!!)
To say that I am shocked would be an understatement!
In the beginning I was utterly pissed off, then I was completely sad.
We started this Twilight Fan Page because we love everything Twilight.
We love to interact with our fans or family members because it is what we are.
All my Team is shocked and very sad. They feel betrayed. We are not spammers or imitators. We are Us.
We will continue doing our job but from today we are updating our Official Twitter Account with our News Stream...If you have Twitter Accounts please follow us there @TeamEdwardPOV
We would like to apologize to all our 11.200 members. It is beyond our hands and we do hope it will be fixed.
On Behalf of my Family and Team,
I have to tell you that we sent a Letter of Complaint to FaceBook stating the following and we Do hope to a sincere answer for this misunderstanding.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Today is a very tough day for us. Last week FaceBook asked us to Authenticate Our Page and that we did.
In the morning I received a text from Liana telling me that something was wrong with our FB FanPage.
Indeed, when I got at the office I saw that FB had taken our privilege to post to our page due to violation (!) of their new Terms. Some of us received that an email stating that we are spammers(!!!) and not those we claim we are(!!!)
To say that I am shocked would be an understatement!
In the beginning I was utterly pissed off, then I was completely sad.
We started this Twilight Fan Page because we love everything Twilight.
We love to interact with our fans or family members because it is what we are.
All my Team is shocked and very sad. They feel betrayed. We are not spammers or imitators. We are Us.
We will continue doing our job but from today we are updating our Official Twitter Account with our News Stream...If you have Twitter Accounts please follow us there @TeamEdwardPOV
We would like to apologize to all our 11.200 members. It is beyond our hands and we do hope it will be fixed.
On Behalf of my Family and Team,
I have to tell you that we sent a Letter of Complaint to FaceBook stating the following and we Do hope to a sincere answer for this misunderstanding.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have a fan page named Twilight continued...from another point of view in Facebook (Team Edward POV for short) , linked to a blog ( - this is not a website). A few days ago we were informed that we have to authenticate our page in order to continue using it and that we had a time frame of 2 weeks to do so.
Within those past few days, the whole admin team (we are currently 11) has tried to authenticate the page but with no success. The result was our page to be suspended and our publishing rights to be blocked.
We hereby inform you of our admins and their emails that have already tried to authenticate the page:
Please have in mind that the time limit has not been reached, yet you decided to suspend our publishing rights. Moreover we must inform you that not all of us are native english speakers and would like to have some guidance regarding the RIGHT and accurate procedure.
Kindly inform us via our official email account ( of the necessary procedure in order to unblock our publishing rights the soonest possible.
Best regards
Team Edward POV
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Welcome To My New Home!
Hello Everyone,
I am so happy today...@ARTbyODDISEE aka Chanty helped me renovate my blog a bit :)
Before she started I asked her two things...I want my Blue Angelina and the Moon in the new layout :)
My @Samouki aka Sam did that pic for me and I totally adore it...
The Moon is a mysterious companion...always check the sky to see her messages!
As for my Angelina well she has something from me.So here is my new new home...

Photo Credit : Angusto
Thank you Chanty you made my night...I love you! (I know I have told you before!).
Sam I love you way too much to let your design go...
If you like it please let a comment beneath...An artist always need encouragement :) If you want to see Chanty's work go to her official website!
Monday, February 8, 2010
One of their Own...Μία απο εκείνους
Καλημέρα καλή βδομάδα...
Πρωί πρωί και η Μούσα μου μου ψιθυριζε...
Good Morning a new week...
My Muse was whispering and I was writing...
One of their own
I have walked a lot on my road
I have met people a lot
They are either happy to meet me or not
Waiting somehow to tell them why am I here for
I am walking on my road
appreciating so far my walk
People are around me I seem to ignore
While I smile at the children, one of them I hold
I will continue to walk on my road
Children will be my companion
Those in My Heart I hold
They have considered me as one of their own
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Author's Note & Disclaimer : About the Picture No copyright infringment is intented.
The usage of the picture is only for artistic reasons because it matches with my poem.
Nancy Albott is the mere owner of this picture.
Πρωί πρωί και η Μούσα μου μου ψιθυριζε...
No copyright infringment is intented
My Muse was whispering and I was writing...
One of their own
I have walked a lot on my road
I have met people a lot
They are either happy to meet me or not
Waiting somehow to tell them why am I here for
I am walking on my road
appreciating so far my walk
People are around me I seem to ignore
While I smile at the children, one of them I hold
I will continue to walk on my road
Children will be my companion
Those in My Heart I hold
They have considered me as one of their own
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Author's Note & Disclaimer : About the Picture No copyright infringment is intented.
The usage of the picture is only for artistic reasons because it matches with my poem.
Nancy Albott is the mere owner of this picture.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Καλο μεσημέρι,
Κάποιες λέξεις μου τριβελίζουν το μυαλό...
Ίσως να "φταιει" η Μούσα μου για αυτό...
Λόγια ξεχασμένα, λόγια για εμένα
Λόγια που μου έλεγες λόγια περασμένα
Καθισμένη στο δωμάτιο αυτό κρατώντας ενα τσιγάρο
Νιώθω ότι οι σκέψεις μου τελειώνουν όσο το φουμάρω
Λόγια ξεχασμένα, λόγια πειραγμένα
Λόγια που μου ελεγες τώρα τελειωμένα
Λόγια και σκέψεις που είναι τόσο παλαιωμένα
Λόγια και αισθήματα που είναι θυμωμένα
Καθισμένη στο δωμάτιο αυτό κρατώντας ενα τσιγάρο
Νιώθω ότι οι σκέψεις μου τελειώνουν μα συνεχίζω να το φουμάρω...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Υ.Γ. Για να μη παρεξηγηθώ δεν καπνίζω ούτε καπνισα ποτέ...
Δεν έχω τίποτα με τους καπνιστές...ούτε υποστηρίζω τις καπνοβιομηχανίες...
Ηταν καθαρά ποιητική αδεία...
P.S. I am in "Greek Mode" so, I am not going to write in English today....
Κάποιες λέξεις μου τριβελίζουν το μυαλό...
Ίσως να "φταιει" η Μούσα μου για αυτό...
Λόγια ξεχασμένα, λόγια για εμένα
Λόγια που μου έλεγες λόγια περασμένα
Καθισμένη στο δωμάτιο αυτό κρατώντας ενα τσιγάρο
Νιώθω ότι οι σκέψεις μου τελειώνουν όσο το φουμάρω
Λόγια ξεχασμένα, λόγια πειραγμένα
Λόγια που μου ελεγες τώρα τελειωμένα
Λόγια και σκέψεις που είναι τόσο παλαιωμένα
Λόγια και αισθήματα που είναι θυμωμένα
Καθισμένη στο δωμάτιο αυτό κρατώντας ενα τσιγάρο
Νιώθω ότι οι σκέψεις μου τελειώνουν μα συνεχίζω να το φουμάρω...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Υ.Γ. Για να μη παρεξηγηθώ δεν καπνίζω ούτε καπνισα ποτέ...
Δεν έχω τίποτα με τους καπνιστές...ούτε υποστηρίζω τις καπνοβιομηχανίες...
Ηταν καθαρά ποιητική αδεία...
P.S. I am in "Greek Mode" so, I am not going to write in English today....
Friday, February 5, 2010
I will be standing next to you my brother...
No welcoming words tonight...Tough Day Tough Night...
I just have my words...nothing more nothing else...
For Kai
I will be standing next to you my brother....
People are passing by but it doesn't matter
All that matter is you
I want to help but I don't know how
I cannot take the pain away
The wound is so fresh
I can only hold you and pray
Loss is not something easy
You cannot let go
You cannot comprehend
Why Things should end like that
God knows and I continue to pray
I just wish my words are comforting
I just wish I could take away your tears
I just wish you are ok
I just wish your pain could just go away...
I wish and pray because it all I have left
I cannot be next to you but I can stand beside you
Always holding your hand because you are family
I will be standing next to you my brother...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
I just have my words...nothing more nothing else...
For Kai
I will be standing next to you my brother....
People are passing by but it doesn't matter
All that matter is you
I want to help but I don't know how
I cannot take the pain away
The wound is so fresh
I can only hold you and pray
Loss is not something easy
You cannot let go
You cannot comprehend
Why Things should end like that
God knows and I continue to pray
I just wish my words are comforting
I just wish I could take away your tears
I just wish you are ok
I just wish your pain could just go away...
I wish and pray because it all I have left
I cannot be next to you but I can stand beside you
Always holding your hand because you are family
I will be standing next to you my brother...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
To My Ithaca...Πηγαίνοντας στην Ιθάκη μου...
Τσικνοπέμπτη σήμερα...Λογικά πολλοί απο εσάς είστε έξω...
Προτιμώ το σπίτι, την οικογένεια...Το σύνολο, την Ηρεμία...
Σήμερα θα μιλήσουμε για την Ιθάκη...Ποια Ιθάκη;
Νομίζω ότι ο Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης μίλησε για αυτή με την δημιουργίκη του πένα
καθορίζοντας πολλά πράγματα....Απλά κοίταξε καλά τις λέξεις...
Και να θυμάστε ότι σημασία δεν έχει η Ιθάκη...αλλά το ταξίδι προς αυτήν...
Today the day has a meaning for the Greeks...It is Tsiknopempti a custom in which we are roasting meat...
It is our Carnival Time...and unfortunately this year comes shortly after Christmas.
I wanted to write about Ithaca...Ithaca is a poem writen by Constantinos P. Kavafis...
It is my favourite poem by far...
The only thing I want to share with you is the following :
My Journey Is long...Undivided...I cherish the moment...The moment...I walk to the right Direction...My Direction...To My Ithaca...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Τσικνοπέμπτη σήμερα...Λογικά πολλοί απο εσάς είστε έξω...
Προτιμώ το σπίτι, την οικογένεια...Το σύνολο, την Ηρεμία...
Σήμερα θα μιλήσουμε για την Ιθάκη...Ποια Ιθάκη;
Νομίζω ότι ο Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης μίλησε για αυτή με την δημιουργίκη του πένα
καθορίζοντας πολλά πράγματα....Απλά κοίταξε καλά τις λέξεις...
Και να θυμάστε ότι σημασία δεν έχει η Ιθάκη...αλλά το ταξίδι προς αυτήν...
Today the day has a meaning for the Greeks...It is Tsiknopempti a custom in which we are roasting meat...
It is our Carnival Time...and unfortunately this year comes shortly after Christmas.
I wanted to write about Ithaca...Ithaca is a poem writen by Constantinos P. Kavafis...
It is my favourite poem by far...
The only thing I want to share with you is the following :
My Journey Is long...Undivided...I cherish the moment...The moment...I walk to the right Direction...My Direction...To My Ithaca...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.