Friday, May 21, 2010
Days are passing by...Οι μέρες περνούν...
'Οχι και τόσο καλή ημέρα η σημερινή...Ίσως γιατί βλέπω περισσότερα απο αυτά που θέλω...
Όχι γιατι τα αγνοούσα...Πάντα αντιλαμβανόμουν πράγματα απλά πάντα έκανα και κάνω υπομονή...
Πάντα έδινα ευκαιρίες...Πάντα...Μέχρι να μου πατήσεις τον κάλο...
Μέχρι να με κάνεις να καταλαβω...ότι δεν εκτίμησες τίποτα...
Και όταν κάποιος δεν εκτιμά αυτομάτως παύει για μένα να υπάρχει...
Είσαι στο όριο...δε το έχεις πάρει χαμπάρι...ακόμα...
Αλλά βγαίνεις βήμα βήμα απο την ζωή μου...
Κάνω υπομονή γιατί έχω άλλα στο μυαλό μου αλλά όταν θα σκάσει το κύμα μην παραπονεθείς...
Γιατί ο καθένας είναι υπεύθυνος για τις πράξεις του...και εσυ για τις δικές σου...
Βαρέθηκα να λέω δικαιολογίες για τους άλλους γιατί έχω συγκεκριμένη πορεία ζωής...
Απλά και ξάστερα δεν συνάδεις με την πορεία που έχω διαλέξει άρα φεύγεις σιγά σιγά απο την ζωή μου...
Αν ποναει;
Πονάει στο κομμάτι της αχαριστίας...
Πονάει στο κομμάτι της προσβλητικής συμπεριφοράς....
Πονάει αλλά πάντα τα πράγματα πονάνε...
Εχω βιώσει τον Πόνο...Και γνωρίζω...και δεν θέλω άλλο πόνο...
Δεν μου αξίζει...Άρα δε μου αξίζεις και εσύ...
Και όταν το καταλάβεις τότε αυτό θα πονέσει εσένα πιο πολύ...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Marcus Foster : Shadows Of The CIty

I am just reproducing the Blog Entry I did for Team Edward POV...
I am in love with this song...and consequently Marcus' Voice....
He is really great....Raw Energy...Full Of Emotion...
Great Song...Great Song...
I wanted to add...the sound of this song reminds me of Led Zeppelin & Rory...
I think that I am really lucky that I will listen to him LIVE performing at Twilight Convention In Rome...
As I tweeted earlier...Mr Foster...One day...You will come in Greece to sing for us too...
Via @QMagazine From @MarcusFoster1
Marcus Foster // Shadows of the City by Stayloose
Updated: Shadows Of The City Lyrics Thanks To Tynie Thought's
oh the streets bleeding out for a real dream that’s not filled
with unmarked bills
when the moon turns its back to let off steam you’re faced with a cold
there’s a bird at the window, smoke in it’s eye, singing off key
there’s a wounded girl with her heart shaped shoe in the shadows
in the shadows
in the shadows
of the city
in the shadows
of the city
well the trains are half empty with faces that try to break off
their chains
bound by the sound of the screaming dawn that is all their name
there’s a madman throwing stones at the streetlight coming through a
torn out shade
there’s a small river by the fallen tree in the shadows
in the shadows
in the shadows
of the city
in the shadows
of the city
you can feel the air breathing down your neck like a ghost
standing by your side
flashing white teeth by the silent road he’s looking for a place to hide
rain cold woman with a knife in her hand and a shovel on the grassy
catch a left eye you can hear the sound of the shadows
in the shadows
in the shadows
of the city
in the shadows
of the city
in the shadows
(adlibs to end)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Most Beautiful Eyes I Have Ever Seen...Τα πιο Όμορφα μάτια που έχω δει
Έιδα τα πιο όμορφα μάτια σε άνδρα...
The Most Beautiful Eyes...
I saw the most beautiful eyes in a man and I am mesmerized...
These Eyes Had Intensity Yet These Eyes were Gentle...
Everywhere I look all I can see is these eyes...
Piercing blue eyes watching me with a why?
Acknowledging that something is off but never leaving mine...
These eyes that were looking at me I am trying to find
The need to look back at them is all I can think in my mind
The most beautiful eyes not only in colour but in depth
The most beautiful person I have ever met...
I am mesmerized but the look in his eyes
How is that possible? I may not have an answer...
But I will always remember those two beautiful piercing blue eyes...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Moloko - Familiar Feeling...
From YouTube User : discoverpowered
Έιδα τα πιο όμορφα μάτια σε άνδρα...
Photo Credit: Paul Newman - A True Gentleman...
The Most Beautiful Eyes...
I saw the most beautiful eyes in a man and I am mesmerized...
These Eyes Had Intensity Yet These Eyes were Gentle...
Everywhere I look all I can see is these eyes...
Piercing blue eyes watching me with a why?
Acknowledging that something is off but never leaving mine...
These eyes that were looking at me I am trying to find
The need to look back at them is all I can think in my mind
The most beautiful eyes not only in colour but in depth
The most beautiful person I have ever met...
I am mesmerized but the look in his eyes
How is that possible? I may not have an answer...
But I will always remember those two beautiful piercing blue eyes...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Moloko - Familiar Feeling...
From YouTube User : discoverpowered

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Happy 24th Birthday Robert....
Hey Everyone,
Like I said...Here is my third entry...But I didn't say where I am going to post it...
Here is my Tribute to a very special guy...
Like I said...Here is my third entry...But I didn't say where I am going to post it...
Here is my Tribute to a very special guy...
Ladies and Gentz...Robert Pattinson...
Respect him...Let him Breath...
Tyler on Remember Me...
Rob Is...a SexDrive?
Tyler Again...
Tyler is a good brother....I love that pink....
Robert and the Piano....~sighs~
Here is what my @RafaelaCullen did for Robert's Bday...
Yes we did a bad bad thing...Enjoy the video!

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day! Χρόνια Πολλά Μανούλα...
Δεν έχω πολλά να πω παρα μόνο :
Χρόνια Πολλά Μανούλες Όλου του Κόσμου...
Και σε μια Μανούλα ακόμα περισσότερα Χρόνια Πολλά...
Δεν προλάβε να αγκαλιάσει το Αγγελούδι της... Ισως το κάνει απο εκεί ψηλά...
Happy Mother's Day...
Be happy and strong...We need you besides us...
We Love you all !
Friday, May 7, 2010
Η Πόλη Εάλω...
Ο Τρόπος που διαμαρτύρομαι ως Ελληνίδα...Μέσω των λεξεών μου...
Η πόλη Εαλω...
Η πόλη μου, Η πόλη μας...
Κάποιοι κατάστρεψαν το κουράγιο και αποσβωλωμένη παρακολουθώ τις εξελίξεις.
Γιατί ΠΑΝΤΑ φταίνε οι άλλοι, Πάντα φταίνε οι λίγοι...
Χάσαμε τον μπούσουλα και μαζί με αυτόν και την ψυχή μας.
Δεν είμασταν ετσι ΕΜΕΙΣ...Δεν είμασταν...
Και γίναμε χειρότεροι απο αυτό που βρίζουμε.
Κάποτε είμασταν άνθρωποι τώρα είμαστε τέρατα.
Χάσαμε την ανθρωπιά μας, Χάσαμε την επαφή με την πνευματικότητα μας.
Και ιδού τα αποτελέσματα...Ιδού οι πληγές...
Αναρωτιόμαστε, πονάμε και κλαίμε αλλά συνάμα ξεχνάμε
Και πάμε ξανά απο την Αρχή. Καθε μέρα βαβούρα και γκρίνια.
"Ωχ Αδερφέ που πάς;" και τα συναφή.
Ζω σε μια φούσκα που έχει παραφουσκώσει και είναι έτοιμη να σπάσει...
Ζω σε μια φούσκα που υπερκάλυψε τον ουρανό...
Ζω σε μια φούσκα που δεν έχουμε πάρει χαμπαρί ότι μας έχει κατασπαράξει.
Γιατί είμαστε βολεμένοι.
Γιατί πάντα μας φταίνε οι άλλοι και όχι Εμείς.
Γιατί όταν σκοτώνεις μια ψυχή που δεν έχει γεννηθεί τότε σκοτώνεις το ΜΕΛΛΟΝ, τα ονειρά σου...
Για άλλη μια φορά αισχύνομαι...
Για άλλη μια φορά σφίγγω τα χέρια μου
Για άλλη μια φορά θυμώνω που δεν κάνουμε ΤΙΠΟΤΑ απολύτως
Για άλλη μια φορά ντρέπομαι για κάποιους που δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με μένα
Για άλλη μια φορά σκοτώσαμε αθώους
Για άλλη μια φορά ψευτοκλαίμε μετά απο μια ΤΡΑΓΩΔΙΑ
Δυστυχώς όμως καλοί Τραγωδοί δεν υπάρχουν πια...
Δυστυχώς όμως δεν ξέρουμε τι μας περιμένει
Γιατί δεν θέλουμε να δούμε τι υπάρχει μετα την στροφή...
Συγνώμη που έφυγες τόσο πρόωρα...
Συγνώμη που είμαστε τόσο ΛΙΓΟΙ...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Σημείωση: Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση χωρίς δική μου άδεια. Ευχαριστώ
Η πόλη Εαλω...
Η πόλη μου, Η πόλη μας...
Κάποιοι κατάστρεψαν το κουράγιο και αποσβωλωμένη παρακολουθώ τις εξελίξεις.
Γιατί ΠΑΝΤΑ φταίνε οι άλλοι, Πάντα φταίνε οι λίγοι...
Χάσαμε τον μπούσουλα και μαζί με αυτόν και την ψυχή μας.
Δεν είμασταν ετσι ΕΜΕΙΣ...Δεν είμασταν...
Και γίναμε χειρότεροι απο αυτό που βρίζουμε.
Κάποτε είμασταν άνθρωποι τώρα είμαστε τέρατα.
Χάσαμε την ανθρωπιά μας, Χάσαμε την επαφή με την πνευματικότητα μας.
Και ιδού τα αποτελέσματα...Ιδού οι πληγές...
Αναρωτιόμαστε, πονάμε και κλαίμε αλλά συνάμα ξεχνάμε
Και πάμε ξανά απο την Αρχή. Καθε μέρα βαβούρα και γκρίνια.
"Ωχ Αδερφέ που πάς;" και τα συναφή.
Ζω σε μια φούσκα που έχει παραφουσκώσει και είναι έτοιμη να σπάσει...
Ζω σε μια φούσκα που υπερκάλυψε τον ουρανό...
Ζω σε μια φούσκα που δεν έχουμε πάρει χαμπαρί ότι μας έχει κατασπαράξει.
Γιατί είμαστε βολεμένοι.
Γιατί πάντα μας φταίνε οι άλλοι και όχι Εμείς.
Γιατί όταν σκοτώνεις μια ψυχή που δεν έχει γεννηθεί τότε σκοτώνεις το ΜΕΛΛΟΝ, τα ονειρά σου...
Για άλλη μια φορά αισχύνομαι...
Για άλλη μια φορά σφίγγω τα χέρια μου
Για άλλη μια φορά θυμώνω που δεν κάνουμε ΤΙΠΟΤΑ απολύτως
Για άλλη μια φορά ντρέπομαι για κάποιους που δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με μένα
Για άλλη μια φορά σκοτώσαμε αθώους
Για άλλη μια φορά ψευτοκλαίμε μετά απο μια ΤΡΑΓΩΔΙΑ
Δυστυχώς όμως καλοί Τραγωδοί δεν υπάρχουν πια...
Δυστυχώς όμως δεν ξέρουμε τι μας περιμένει
Γιατί δεν θέλουμε να δούμε τι υπάρχει μετα την στροφή...
Συγνώμη που έφυγες τόσο πρόωρα...
Συγνώμη που είμαστε τόσο ΛΙΓΟΙ...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Σημείωση: Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση χωρίς δική μου άδεια. Ευχαριστώ
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Μερικές λέξεις γίναν προτάσεις...Η Μούσα μου είναι εδώ...την Ευχαριστώ...
My words are once again here...I am blessed with a Unique Muse...
I feel myself sometimes isolated...
In that way I can see things clearly...
Better than before...
I can see the truth in your lies
I can see the lies in your truth...
I mostly see everything you tend to say
and you focus not to tell me...
I don't know why you are like that...
Mostly I believe that is your weakness
You want someone to be beside you with any cost
But you mostly don't care if I can be hurt or lost
Ignorant, selfish and petty
and I am still there trying to help you
But you don't care
But you don't mind
All I see is unwillness to change
So I have to let go and let you explain
I have to go away I have to move out of the problem...
I won't be recognised...I will be eaten alive
Because fear is the darkest weapon...
You are afraid of all those emotions I have inside
You are afraid because you cannot understand why...
I won't tell you why...You lost your chance...
I think that your betrayal even in your subconscious
is worst by far....
I was betrayed on and on...
I was betrayed and I move on...
You lost me....once and for all...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Μερικές λέξεις γίναν προτάσεις...Η Μούσα μου είναι εδώ...την Ευχαριστώ...
My words are once again here...I am blessed with a Unique Muse...
I feel myself sometimes isolated...
In that way I can see things clearly...
Better than before...
I can see the truth in your lies
I can see the lies in your truth...
I mostly see everything you tend to say
and you focus not to tell me...
I don't know why you are like that...
Mostly I believe that is your weakness
You want someone to be beside you with any cost
But you mostly don't care if I can be hurt or lost
Ignorant, selfish and petty
and I am still there trying to help you
But you don't care
But you don't mind
All I see is unwillness to change
So I have to let go and let you explain
I have to go away I have to move out of the problem...
I won't be recognised...I will be eaten alive
Because fear is the darkest weapon...
You are afraid of all those emotions I have inside
You are afraid because you cannot understand why...
I won't tell you why...You lost your chance...
I think that your betrayal even in your subconscious
is worst by far....
I was betrayed on and on...
I was betrayed and I move on...
You lost me....once and for all...
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
Forever Young, Good Looks & Grace
Twilight Convention in Rome – FanFiction Contest
Short Story by Cleopatra F. (aka ArcCleo)
Forever Young, Good Looks & Grace
Bella's POV
It was my first day at work, I was anxious and stressed about it. I got up pretty early did my routine and I was outside the building 45 minutes before my shift. I felt like time was not passing by, like It was static and I was watching from another place. I blinked and saw people entering the building. I took a deep breath and entered.
A short girl with pixie hair came towards me, her clothes were expensive, even me that had no fashion interest could distinguish that.
"Hello. Can I help you?"
"Um...Yes...I am Bella Swan. It is my first day at work. I got informed that I have to ask for Mrs. Cullen."
I hoped that I didn't sound like a whine. I knew that I was invisible to others. I have experienced it all my life. I was good, passionate but not good enough to be remembered.
"Well, I am Alice Cullen. Nice to meet you Bella."
She was friendly and was smiling at me. We talked a bit and showed me the place. I really liked it. It was modern with minimal lines and had a positive energy. Alice continued talking to me as she pointed me to my office. She opened the door and I looked around, it was wonderful. I didn't expect to have such an office as new personnel, I exhaled.
"We like our employees to feel good when they are working for us Bella. You will learn that soon." She winked at me and left me standing alone watching at it.
I was an employee at Cullen Publications. It was one of the biggest publication house in the northeast, and for the first time in my life I felt like I was significant.
I moved slowly to the desk and touched it. I liked it, its texture was so smooth. I closed my eyes and I left myself to feel at ease. When I opened them I looked around and tried to remember every detail of the room. I sat down and I opened the file in front of me.
I saw a hand written letter with the most elegant writing script I have ever seen, I was a bit jealous, mine were scrappy.
Dear Isabella,
Here is your first assignment. Please read this draft and do the corrections. I won't be around for the next days due to a business trip. Everyday I would like to have a letter of what part of the book you read and your suggestions. I will read it all when I got back.
Yours sincerely,
Esme Cullen
I put the letter in front of the telephone and I opened the envelope, in it was a file that said Confidential with bold letters. I guess it was their way of coding. I started reading it at once.
Forever young, good looks and grace. That is a phrase that seems to fully describe me. Not without a cost. In my case this little phrase changes everything for me. It changed who I am. The way of thinking and living, well the absence of it anyways.
I am a 107 year old vampire. Yes, you read right. I am a vampire, who looks like he is 17 and doing exactly what a teenager is doing in order to mask its true identity. I am at school at the moment which is my purgatory because nothing really interesting happens.
Instead I have to pretend that I am what I mostly certainly am not, a Human.
I was eating hungrily the pages, mesmerized by his way of writing. It was like reading the most inner and darkest thoughts of a person, knowing a way of himself that he didn't share with others.
At some point I looked at the clock and I saw that it was afternoon. I stopped reading and I put all the papers back to the envelope. I found a drawer with a key, put them inside locked it and got up. I tried to find the kitchen, it was my lunch break and I had to eat something.
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
That was my entry for the FanFic Contest in Twilight Convention In Rome...
I hope you liked it...If you do then show me your LOVE with your Reviews...
If you Love it really much the more the reviews will be...
And If they are a lot then I might write this story for you guys...
So what do you say? Do you want this story to be written or not?
P.S. You can either leave your reviews here or on my
Short Story by Cleopatra F. (aka ArcCleo)
Forever Young, Good Looks & Grace
Bella's POV
It was my first day at work, I was anxious and stressed about it. I got up pretty early did my routine and I was outside the building 45 minutes before my shift. I felt like time was not passing by, like It was static and I was watching from another place. I blinked and saw people entering the building. I took a deep breath and entered.
A short girl with pixie hair came towards me, her clothes were expensive, even me that had no fashion interest could distinguish that.
"Hello. Can I help you?"
"Um...Yes...I am Bella Swan. It is my first day at work. I got informed that I have to ask for Mrs. Cullen."
I hoped that I didn't sound like a whine. I knew that I was invisible to others. I have experienced it all my life. I was good, passionate but not good enough to be remembered.
"Well, I am Alice Cullen. Nice to meet you Bella."
She was friendly and was smiling at me. We talked a bit and showed me the place. I really liked it. It was modern with minimal lines and had a positive energy. Alice continued talking to me as she pointed me to my office. She opened the door and I looked around, it was wonderful. I didn't expect to have such an office as new personnel, I exhaled.
"We like our employees to feel good when they are working for us Bella. You will learn that soon." She winked at me and left me standing alone watching at it.
I was an employee at Cullen Publications. It was one of the biggest publication house in the northeast, and for the first time in my life I felt like I was significant.
I moved slowly to the desk and touched it. I liked it, its texture was so smooth. I closed my eyes and I left myself to feel at ease. When I opened them I looked around and tried to remember every detail of the room. I sat down and I opened the file in front of me.
I saw a hand written letter with the most elegant writing script I have ever seen, I was a bit jealous, mine were scrappy.
Dear Isabella,
Here is your first assignment. Please read this draft and do the corrections. I won't be around for the next days due to a business trip. Everyday I would like to have a letter of what part of the book you read and your suggestions. I will read it all when I got back.
Yours sincerely,
Esme Cullen
I put the letter in front of the telephone and I opened the envelope, in it was a file that said Confidential with bold letters. I guess it was their way of coding. I started reading it at once.
Forever Young, Good Looks and Grace
By Edward Masen
Forever young, good looks and grace. That is a phrase that seems to fully describe me. Not without a cost. In my case this little phrase changes everything for me. It changed who I am. The way of thinking and living, well the absence of it anyways.
I am a 107 year old vampire. Yes, you read right. I am a vampire, who looks like he is 17 and doing exactly what a teenager is doing in order to mask its true identity. I am at school at the moment which is my purgatory because nothing really interesting happens.
Instead I have to pretend that I am what I mostly certainly am not, a Human.
I was eating hungrily the pages, mesmerized by his way of writing. It was like reading the most inner and darkest thoughts of a person, knowing a way of himself that he didn't share with others.
At some point I looked at the clock and I saw that it was afternoon. I stopped reading and I put all the papers back to the envelope. I found a drawer with a key, put them inside locked it and got up. I tried to find the kitchen, it was my lunch break and I had to eat something.
©2010 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.) All rights reserved worldwide.
That was my entry for the FanFic Contest in Twilight Convention In Rome...
I hope you liked it...If you do then show me your LOVE with your Reviews...
If you Love it really much the more the reviews will be...
And If they are a lot then I might write this story for you guys...
So what do you say? Do you want this story to be written or not?
P.S. You can either leave your reviews here or on my
HQ : Robert Pattinson on Homme Magazine (Greece)
Hello Everyone,
Today TeamEdwardPOV posted this NEW and wonderful picture of Robert Pattinson on Homme Magazine...
They celebrating their 7 years...Thanks to newspaper ProtoThema for the unexpected surprise!
Wanna see it?
You Can See The Original Entry HERE
Today TeamEdwardPOV posted this NEW and wonderful picture of Robert Pattinson on Homme Magazine...
They celebrating their 7 years...Thanks to newspaper ProtoThema for the unexpected surprise!
Wanna see it?
You Can See The Original Entry HERE