Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hotel Angelic : Suite 251 - Chapter 2

Hey Everyone,
I hope you enjoyed the update...If you haven't read it yet here is the link for you to read it

This update was challenging for me because I had to express my character's emotions...
Also in this chapter I posted a really great poem by Odysseas Elytis...
It suited exactly to my scene and you can read the whole poem below....

So, Here is  Odysseas Elytis's poem...In Greek but also in English...
Ι have to inform you that Elytis is one of the greatest Greek Poets. He even won the Nobel Prize in 1979.

Οδυσσέας Ελύτης - Δεύτερη Φύση


Χαμόγελο! Η πριγκίπισσά του θέλησε
Να γεννηθεί κάτω απ' τη δυναστεία των ρόδων!


Ο χρόνος είναι γρήγορος ίσκιος πουλιών
Τα μάτια μου ορθάνοιχτα μες στις εικόνες του
Γύρω απ' την ολοπράσινη επιτυχία των φύλλων
Οι πεταλούδες ζουν μεγάλες περιπέτειες
Ενώ η αθωότητα
Ξεντύνεται το τελευταίο της ψέμα
Γλυκιά περιπέτεια Γλυκιά
Η Ζωή.


Πριν απ' τα μάτια μου ήσουν φως
Πριν απ' τον Έρωτα έρωτας
Κι όταν σε πήρε το φιλί

Second Nature

A smile! Its princess desired
To be born below the dynasty of roses!


Time is a quick shadow of birds
My eyes wide open amid its images
Around the all green success of leaves
Butterflies live great adventures

While innocence
Take off her last lie
Sweet Adventure Sweet

Before I had eyes you were life
Before Eros love
And When The Kiss Took you
A Woman

Lastly, I am really happy that my offers for FandomGivesBack were "sold" and we all helped to this amazing cause.
So, I would like to thank my friend AmyLoo for bidding my Suite 251 One Shot and The Team MyVampFiction for bidding My Summertime in Heaven Outtake.

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