Photo Credit : Summit Entertainment 2009
Hey Everyone,
Last Night, I saw New Moon with Sam and some Greek Twilighters...
I must say to you that I didn't go to the cinema with expectations...
I went there as a viewer, anxious to see the result though...
I am not going to tell you SPOILERS I know people that are watching it right now...(Twitter is a brilliant communication tool!)
When I read New Moon I was heartbroken...Stephenie made us cry...
When the Movie Started...The whole dynamic was different...
Darker...More Mature...The Atmosphere was different...
I won't talk about the movie...I don't want to tell you things about it...
But Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner did an amazing job!
Robert was spectacular as Edward while Kristen portrayed broken Bella with a depth that will make all her haters tremble...
Taylor is a very talented young actor I really enjoyed him..
Also I have to talk about our Humans...They were great...
Michael, Anna , Christian and Justin were so cool!
The Quileute or the Wolf Pack were funny...and all Muscles LOLS
Also, I loved the Volturi Guards...Felix and Demetri...Charlie Bewley and Daniel Cudmore were funny and hard when they had too.. (I am going to tweet Charlie! LOLS)
Dakota was amazing too...
You are going to love the Volturi...Aro was scary and Caius too!
Watch Marcus ~blinks~
Anyway...Waiting for your thoughts...I am not going to say more...
I Only going to say that...I am going to see it again!!!
Originally Posted
©2009 ArcCleo(aka Cleopatra F.)All rights reserved worldwide.
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